Dialogue between art and nature

The dialogue between art and nature governs the presentation of works in the collection and the exhibition agenda of the Franz Marc Museum. The significance of the Upper Bavarian Alpine foothills as a source of inspiration for the ‘Blauer Reiter’ artists constituted the starting point for the foundation of the museum in Kochel am See in 1986 and for its expansion and the new building in 2008. The location of the museum, with a view of the lake and the mountains behind, places the works of the German Expressionists in a new light.

The art of Franz Marc – after whom the museum is named – is at the focus of attention, without, however, being the sole central or exclusive subject of the museum’s exhibitions. Franz Marc’s formative years as an artist were spent in Sindelsdorf and Kochel. At the same time he enjoyed a lively exchange with international avant-garde artists of the era. His work and his thoughts were orientated around the future development and influence of art. For this reason the museum presents Franz Marc’s works within the wider context of the 20th century. The exhibitions seek out new and unconventional perspectives, sometimes exploring parallel paths tracing the art of the times.

Art and perception

The Franz Marc Museum aims to provide visitors with an intense and focussed encounter with art. A visually and acoustically calm atmosphere forms part and parcel of this concept.  ‘Silent’ media, such as wall texts, audio guides and catalogues provide information on the works. Guided tours are also available.

Yoga courses are held regularly in the ‘Panorama Room’ in the museum. These finish with a short meditation with a view of the impressive mountain scenery to hone the visitor’s sense of perception and help each individual’s appreciation of the works of art.

A private museum

The Franz Marc Museum is operated by the Etta and Otto Stangl Foundation and the Franz Marc Foundation, without state or communal funding.

The holdings in the collection of the Franz Marc Museum and the financing of the extension are the result of a considerable private commitment that goes back to the gallery owners Etta and Otto Stangl. The major art collection they assembled – that also drew on the collection of Rudolf Ibach, Etta Stangl’s father – passed to their neices and nephews in the Ibach and Mittelsten Scheid families. In 2001 Margrit Auer-Ibach and Etta Mittelsten Scheid founded the non-profit Etta und Otto Stangl Foundation / Freiburg i.Brg. with the aim of taking care of the part of the collection they had inherited and of financing the operation of the expanded Franz Marc Museum. The endowment capital was provided by Charlotte Mittelsten Scheid, Etta Stangl’s sister, and her daughter Etta Mittelsten Scheid and added to several times by the latter. On top of this, Margrit Auer-Ibach and Jens Mittelsten Scheid contributed the major part of the Stangl Collection and, in this way, made these works available to the Franz Marc Museum as permanent loans. A significant part of the ‘Blauer Reiter’ collection came from the Franz Marc Foundation, supplemented by numerous important gifts from Wilhelm Winterstein and others. This foundation was created in 1986 when the first Franz Marc Museum was established. Upon the initiative of Jens Mittelsten Scheid a new extension was added to the museum in 2008, financed by Etta and Jens Mittelsten Scheid.

Compact guide

Hrsg.: Franz Marc Museumsgesellschaft durch Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy

This compact guide presents the most imporant works in the permanet colletion, as well as information about the history of the museum and a map of Kochel am See.

Paperback edition with 96 pages and numerous colour illustrations.


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